This Week At TLR Coatings, 8-5-19

What a busy week here at the shop. The week started with an all out sprint to finish up a rear end housing and some rear suspension parts in a multi stage red for a truck build. The kicker, this truck build needed to be wrapped up by friday night so that it could make its debut show on Saturday. That meant we had Monday and Tuesday to hammer out these parts. The really hard part was that the rear end housing itself took 90-120 minutes per coat to cure with 4 coats to apply. Overall these parts turned out great and the customer was super happy with the finished product.
Our second major project of the week was a brand new 2020 Chevy Silverado. This customer had called us a few months ago when he special ordered the truck, he really wanted black wheels but apparently Chevrolet wouldnt sell him a black 18" wheel. So no problem what so ever. He dropped the truck off sunday and by Friday afternoon was looking great with his new black wheels. We are dubbing the project, Storm Trooper Edtion Silverado.
Rounding off the week we had a frew small projects including that Edelbrock intake you see in the first picture.
Ovreall it was a great week. All of our customers were more then thrilled and finished everything we needed too.
Travis Ridenour
TLR Coatings
Kalamazoo, Mi