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Better Then OEM

One thing auto manufacturers or any wheel manufacturer for that matter will never admit is that the coatings they put on their wheels just plain SUCKS!! In the 10 years we have been doing powder coating we have seen wheels from every major oem and wheels from lots and lots of aftermarket companies as well. They all have one thing in common, that is the least amount of effort possible put into the actual coating of the wheel. Now this might be ok for fair weather climates such as California and Arizona. But for anyone who lives anywhere where snow is present or especially any of our friends that live in the rust belt, these coatings simply won't stand up long term to the abuse of winter weather and salt.

We get a massive amount of used wheels through our doors that are completely destroyed from the harsh weather and road conditions found in Michigan. The reason, the thinnest possible coating ever put on wheels just plain doesn't hold up against the water, salt, rocks, heat, and freezing the cars around here see in a normal year of driving. Luckily for everyone who owns a car there is a solution, a quality powder coat job can last almost as long as the vehicle, if performed properly, and can still look good years down the road when other coatings would have failed.

Here at TLR Coatings we relentlessly work on perfecting our technique for coating wheels to make them as strong and durable as possible. All of our wheels start by being stripped down to raw metal, removing all other coatings and corrosion that has occurred over the years and giving us a nice solid surface to coat from. After that wheels are properly final prepped by cleaning and masking where needed. We then primer all our wheels. Depending on the metal substrate and condition of the wheel when we get our hands on it we have 3 different kinds of primer we can use, all of which have a different reason for being. Finally we finish off the wheels with the color, or colors of your choice giving your wheel multiple layers of protection. All layers are carefully baked to just the right temperature to promote proper adhesion to one another so that failure will never happen.

The end product is a long lasting, durable finish that looks great for years and years to come. Get your wheels looking new and ready for all weather by letting us coat them the right way.

Travis Ridenour


TLR Coatings

Kalamazoo, Michigan


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