New Vehicles, New Wheels

Im actually in shock of how many new vehicles we get in the shop for full service wheel coating jobs. Most manufacturers today offer a lot of options when purchasing a new car so the fact that we have done over 6 vehicles this year that are less then 2 years old is amazing to me.
This picture is a prime example of one. This is actually a brand new 2020 Chevy silverado. This came to us as a special order truck that Chevy actually wouldn't sell with black wheels. The owner told me that the only black wheels he could get on the truck were 22's and it was an astounding $3,000 upcharge!!!!!! Luckily the owner called us and once he actually got the truck in we were able to get him the black wheels he wanted for only $500 all in.
Once the owner saw it he loved it and was even more excited to pay out the money to me then to pay an additional 3k for his new truck.
Travis Ridenour
TLR Coatings
Kalamazoo, MI